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On March 11 and 12 of 1975, an organizational meeting was held at the offices of the New York State Cancer Control Bureau in Albany NY and the New York State Tumor Registrar’s Association (NYSTRA) was founded. Six chapters of NYSTRA were also founded at that time, based in part upon geographic location within the state, and were named as follows: Hudson Valley, Albany, Long Island, Rochester, Central New York and the Lakes Area.

There were 46 original founding members representing all area of the state and Dolores Gamble was our organization’s first president in 1975-1976. Providing educational opportunities was a primary goal of our organization, and that goal remains a primary focus some 40 years later. In 1976, NYSTRA held a state-wide educational program designed specifically for tumor registrars, which was held in Albany NY. These wonderful educational conferences became an annual event. The location of subsequent annual conferences was held in various locations throughout the state, in order to ensure that all registrars throughout the state would have an opportunity to attend.

As our profession has changed over time, the National Tumor Registrar’s Association (NTRA) became the National Cancer Registrar’s Association (NCRA). Later, the New York State Tumor Registrar’s Association (NYSTRA) adopted a similar name change and became the New York State Cancer Registrar’s Association (NYCRA).

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NEW YORK CANCER REGISTRARS ASSOCIATION, INC (NYCRA) is an established non-profit organization for the purpose of:


  1. Promoting research and education in cancer registration for the purpose of serving the cancer community.

  2. Raising the level of knowledge and performance of Cancer Registrars through continuing education.

  3. Disseminating information to members of the Association regarding current activities, research and trends in the cancer field.

  4. Initiating and/or participating in programs to improve and standardize the compiling of Cancer Registry information.

  5. Promoting liaison with allied health professions and organizations on a state level.


Founded in 1975, NYCRA continues to grow in membership and provision of membership benefits to our members. Benefits include offering continuing education with an Annual Conference each Fall, as well as other education with the opportunity for networking with others in the field of cancer registration. In 2020, with the outbreak of Covid-19, our Annual Conference moved to a hybrid opportunity for educational material presentation. NYCRA remains supportive of our members using our website, Facebook page, eBlasts and Board meetings throughout the year.


Our Board consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer as well as several Committees. We encourage our membership to serve on the Board.  The benefits of serving on the Board, either as an elected officer or Committee chair/member, includes the opportunity for growth in a leadership role and the numerous advantages for networking connections. NYCRA Board members can also attend, as well as represent our organization at NCRA Conferences.

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